etz-I Series
etz-I Hand Grinder Series
Etzinger sets new standards in manual grinding by introducing its etz-I series providing various innovative features like external adjustment, retractable crank, ergonomic handle, single-piece Absolute Vernier Scale and Anti-Static Jig (etz-I only).

etz-I or etz-IU .. choose the right version for you!
etz-I WITH Anti-static Jig (eliminating electro-statical charge & dispersion) for Newbies and/or those who want to skip time-consuming techniques like WDT/RDT
etz-U WITHOUT Anti-static Jig for experienced hand grinder lovers who wish for a retention-free grinder and are used to techniques like RDT/WDT
RRB mechanism
Anti-Static Jig (etz-I only)
Absolute Vernier Scale
Retractable Crank
Ergonomic Handle
Magnetic Lid&Catcher
32mm Diamond Cut Burrs
etz-I von Andrea Schöch